Dealing with Cloudy People!

Dealing with Cloudy People!

Someone tried to steal my sunshine today. I’m such a positive person, and Mama taught me some good southern manners, so I’m always a little shocked when someone doesn’t share my genuine love for treating people with kindness and respect. And this patronizing little storm cloud of condescension shocked me into silence. You know that emoji with the big eyes and mouth wide open? That was me. That little thunderstorm hovered over me for awhile, and the clouds threatened to well up and spill over as tears, until some friends helped me push the ‘reset’ button to start my day over. But y’all, it was really hard to not dwell on the hurt and rudeness thrown at me! But part of living a resilient mid-life is learning how to deal with all kinds of people, even cloudy people. I was trying to think how to title this post, based on what happened to me: “how to not be a rude person”, “hot to not act like a turd” (sorry mom) “how to handle negative people”… but I settled on this:  “How to deal with cloudy people (when they storm on your life”.  Continue reading “Dealing with Cloudy People!”