How to Behave On Social Media

How to Behave On Social Media

I joined the wild, wild world of Facebook around nine years ago, and boy has social media changed since then! We used to mainly pop in after work, or in the morning, and always on the computer, and usually just to share a status update and see how everyone was doing. It was a great way to connect, and reconnect with friends and relatives. It was a way to find old high school classmates, and college sorority sisters. We discovered that silly, time consuming farming game and played it for hours. (at least I did) Think about how different it is now. Most of us use our phones, hopping on, and checking in at all times of the day.  In addition to Facebook, we now have Pinterest, Instagram, and Snapchat to share images, ideas and yes, occasionally a status update. Social media – like it, love it, or hate it, is here to stay. And folks, I think we might need a little refresher course in do’s and don’ts for sharing and behaving on social media. Here’s my two cents worth: Continue reading “How to Behave On Social Media”