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Bloom Where You’re Planted

Have you ever been uprooted? From family? Or your job? Or your home? Or your friends? I have. Almost too many times to count. Since our marriage 35 years ago the hubs and I have moved a grand total of 13, count ‘em 13 times. His job required transferring from town to town, and sometimes we couldn’t wait to get out of the place we were at, other times we left with tears in our eyes. I’ve learned a few things about being uprooted, and blooming where you’re planted, even in mid-life!

  1. I always trusted that God had a plan for us, and that our move was for His glory, and in His perfect time. Even if it felt like the timing was off, or that I was somehow being punished by being planted somewhere I didn’t want to be. Or that I was just too old to start over. Jeremiah 29:11 is on the wall in my entry way. I placed it there almost the minute we moved into this house. I needed that reminder that even if I didn’t have a clue what was going on at least HE did! 
  2. I learned to work through my anxiousness and angst at being in a new town and environment. I had to learn how to navigate unfamiliar roads, and how to swallow my shyness at meeting new people. (yes, believe it or not, I’m shy and possess a slight bit of awkward insecurity). I really felt “at sea” this last time, and it was a struggle to battle through that anxiety. I leaned heavily on my faith, and on my husband to help me through it.
  3. I learned to push myself out of my comfort zone. When we moved during our younger, child raising years, we would search out a church in each new town and join as quickly as we could. I’ve always jumped right in and gotten involved in the community or school. As a mid-life empty-nester, that’s much more difficult, because that instant connection of kids and school doesn’t exist, so this last move was the most challenging. So after pouting, and cleaning my house for the millionth time, and feeling that lonely, “I don’t know a single person here” emotional pang, I pushed myself out of my recliner and applied for jobs online and kept on until the Lord planted me right where He wanted me to be.(And swallowed my fear when I landed the dream job I felt completely unqualified for! Gulp!)
  4. I’ve learned to be a friendlier person. If you’ve ever been the new kid in church or school or other community, then you know what it’s like to feel like you don’t fit in and don’t belong. Conversations go on around you about families and friends and parties and activities. Cliques are the worst! The folks might smile and act friendly, but the vibe they emit says, “We’re fine without you, thank you, keep moving sister.” I’ve made it my goal to NOT BE THAT PERSON. Period. I swallow my discomfort and reach out and talk to people, with a smile on my face!
  5. I learned to open my heart in each new place. Even if it was broken and aching from leaving my friends and all things familiar. That doesn’t mean I let go of the relationships I left, but, rather I’d reach for new ones. I’ve gathered several bouquets of friendships from re-blooming in those beautiful gardens I’ve had the privilege of being planted in! Thank you Lord!!


Our last move was the most difficult. We had to uproot ourselves from our hometown. And those roots were DEEP y’all! I really, truly, thought we were finished with moving. I really, truly, thought that I would grow old in our home, and that I’d be spending my days with the precious friends I had made there. I wrote about leaving here:

Leaving My Heart and Letting Go

And several months later, I wrote about being in our new place here:

About Trusting God

And isn’t it funny that I wrote about blooming where you’re planted back then?! I guess it’s a theme that resonates with me. I hope that my ability to start over, make a new life, make new friends is because I’ve inherited my Mama’s resilience. I like to think that she would be proud of me.

I’d like to thank Amanda at the SweetFrogPrintShop for the beautiful graphic. If you like it too, check out her shop here: SweetFrogPrintShop

She specializes in hand drawn wording, and Bible Journaling. I’ll be doing a post about Bible Journaling soon. Be sure to check back!

Thanks for reading my blog. I hope you know that I shared my heart with you! Please leave a comment. I’d love to hear your thoughts!

Genesis 26:3 Stay in this land for a while, and I will be with you and will bless you.

Much Love,


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