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Voices of Real Women…and What It Means to Be Fierce In Midlife

Forever Fierce day is finally here! The Forever Fierce Revolution is a revolt against stereotypes and ageist thought. We, as a small army of midlife women, are using our blogs to battle ageism. It is my honor, and an incredible privilege to be able to share these voices with you. Real women. Real voices. Real fierceness that’s forged from battles and victories and challenges. Real fierceness is created from struggles and an attitude of survival. I believe that it’s a choice…to be FIERCE. The definition of fierce is “showing a heartfelt and powerful intensity”. The common thread I found in all these stories was this: Faith. It’s clear to me that their strength comes from their deep faith, and in their incredible resilience. God has given them beauty for ashes. And a fierce faith. Read on, and be inspired.Beauty From Ashes

Isiaah 61:3 to grant to those who mourn in Zion— to give them a beautiful headdress instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, the garment of praise instead of a faint spirit; that they may be called oaks of righteousness, the planting of the LORD, that he may be glorified.

Marilyn: After being diagnosed with an incurable cancer in May, I had no other choice than to be FIERCE. I just retired from the teaching profession after thirty one years and was looking forward to living a relaxing and carefree life. I thought I would have a thorough checkup before my insurance changed and that’s when I got the news. A large malignant tumor was on my adrenal gland and it had to come out immediately along with four lymph nodes. Most of my summer was spent recovering from surgery and four chemo cycles in the hospital at MD Anderson. Right now I’m feeling great, but know the cancer has a history of recurring. Through the chemo, hair loss, and other side effects, I decided that I would find joy in every day. Life is too short to sweat the small stuff. ❤️

Beth: Fierce has many directions in my life.  Planning a funeral, laying my only sibling to rest, and cleaning out his house following suicide. Parenting my mother and my children at the same time. Inviting my father-in-law to live with us following my mother-in-law’s funeral. Caring for my father-in-law through stages of dementia and following a stroke, allowing 24/7-sitter care in my home. Visiting my father-in-law who’s now in a nursing home, weekly. Helping my daughter plan a beautiful and perfect wedding on a limited budget. Welcoming my 30 year-old son back home as his wife wants to end a 10-year marriage. Being a rock for my son as works through the devastated feelings following the marriage breakup. Taking care of me and doing things I enjoy. Attending events alone rather than with a group of friends. Trying to be better today than I was yesterday.  I am FIERCE.

Steffanie: Being fierce in midlife means waiting until your youngest child leaves the nest to finally go after the long awaited degree. Being fierce in midlife means giving up your weekends and time with family for seven years in order to study, write papers, and do homework. Being fierce in midlife means being the oldest person in your cross fit and Zumba classes and still holding your own. Being fierce in midlife means becoming a runner for the first time at 52 and completing three half marathons and countless 5k “fun runs.” Being fierce at midlife means quitting a comfortable, cushy, and lucrative job in finance and accepting a difficult, stressful, and sometimes overwhelming job as a child abuse investigator. Being fierce at midlife means having the courage to follow life long dreams and passions, despite the obstacles and doubts. Being fierce at midlife means finally, finally, finishing what you started and living the life you always thought was beyond your reach.

Linda: Fierce at fifty means surviving the good, bad , ugly and coming out the other side a stronger better person. A fierce woman whom I never knew existed has evolved as I pass thru the many chapters in my life. Faith in knowing God has a plan in every situation. I will never understand why my beautiful son of 21 years took his life, i will never understand why 18 months later I was diagnosed with breast cancer, why my sweet dad is currently dealing with this nasty brain cancer that also took my mother in law 2years ago. Fierce is when you keep smiling thru the darkest of days. I’m blessed beyond words , have so much to be thankful and I will prevail. I surround myself with equally fierce woman who are made of family and friends.


Mary: Being Fierce in midlife means overcoming the loss of both my mother to Alzheimer’s as well as my husband of 39 years to cancer. It means picking up the pieces, and getting out of bed every morning, and going to work, even when the fog of grief and exhaustion is so thick I can barely face the day. It means reaching out in faith to find new love, a different kind of love, with a sweet, compassionate man who adores and understands me. I’m thriving now, and I love my new life, new thrills, and new trails as I ride off into the sunset on my Can-Am Spyder. This is not the life I expected to have, but it’s the one God has graced me with. I am blessed, and I am Fierce!

Robin: What is fierce at 56?   Being fierce was and is a process. Daily I have the opportunity to decide, will I be fierce today or will I get sucked in to the pits.   There was a time when I was frozen in anxiety.  Almost unable to leave the house.  After much prayer and pain the scripture psalms 40:1 I waited patiently for the Lord and He heard my cry.  He lifted me out of the pit …
So I am fierce.  When others try to pull or push me back into the pit, I fight


Denise: I’m fierce, feisty, and fun. My road has been well traveled, pitted with heartache and loss. I was a victim of domestic abuse. Slowly, I became a survivor. And now, I am a VICTOR! I believe that God doesn’t give us more than we can bear. I trust the life He has given me. Let’s celebrate the lessons along the way. My sweetest rewards are in the “now”. Precious husband, wonderful children, delicious grand babies
I am 57 years young, and known as “Sizzle”….that makes me laugh. Every time.


Patricia: Fierceness is finding a way to maneuver the crossroads of this stage of life… guiding, nurturing, and loving our family members that are just entering the world( grandkids) along with our aging grandparents and parents. 

Kelley: By definition, fierce has a negative connotation; menacingly wild, savage, or hostile. However, when I think of what it means to be fierce at midlife as a woman, I think of a “modern day” woman who can stand tall and be proud of who she is and what she has accomplished in life through her own blood, sweat, and tears. A sense of being fierce was instilled in me at an early age by both of my parents. My parents lead me by example: work hard and you will reap the benefits, have pride in all you do, learn from your mistakes no matter your age, and love like there is no tomorrow. As a teenager and young adult, I lived my life accordingly and life was good: married with two beautiful children, successful career, nice house, dog, and great friends. At 36, life as I knew it, came to an abrupt end; my husband of 13 years informed me he no longer loved me and wanted a divorce. As a woman and a mom, it made me question everything I ever knew and believed. It was at this time that I truly became a fierce woman.
In the 20 years since that night, life has handed me many triumphs and many heartbreaks; each experience made me more fierce! I have raised my two children through the teenage years and into early adulthood; it hasn’t always been easy, but we have survived! It is my hope that I have raised my daughter to be fierce!! I have met and married the love of my life and couldn’t be more happy! I endured the death of both of my parents; I miss them every day!! I recently retired from a successful teaching career after 30 years!! My husband and I bought an established small business in our little town a year and half ago and it has been a true blessing! But, once again life has challenged me, breast cancer. I have no doubt that I will survive with the guidance and protection of God, my family, my circle of FIERCE women friends, and because I am a FIERCE WOMAN!!

Fierce Faith

Scandinavian folklore tells us that some Viking women fought alongside men in battle. They were called Shieldmaidens, and feared because of their surprising strength and mental toughness in battle, while also caring for their families and communities. I’m sure they had battlescars, and I’m sure they shared lessons learned with their daughters. My friends who shared their stories here, as well as my shy friends who shared their stories with me privately, are as brave and FIERCE as the shieldmaidens of lore. Determined. Courageous. Fearless. Fierce. I’m so proud to call them sisters and friends. They’ve set a high standard for younger women to follow.
To read more stories visit Forever Fierce Day 2018. These stories of FIERCE FAITH are for you, our daughters, for you will soon be walking in our footsteps….
Happy Forever Fierce Day! Celebrate your FIERCE sisters. I invite you to share this blogpost with your friends on your favorite social media account! Please use the hashtags #foreverfierce day or #foreverfierce Together we ARE stronger!
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